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Free Download Lovely Planet Arcade


Updated: Nov 27, 2020

About This Game Relive your journey to Lovely Planet in this brand new adventure packed with impossible tests of skill and patience. Craft intricate combos to unfold the complex puzzle of flying projectiles and moving targets into a graceful sequence of well timed shots and jumps. Enjoy shooting baddies, jumping over obstacles and teleporting around bullets while trading with milliseconds.The original First Person Shooter experience, a game of jumping and shootingTest your skills with a hundred plus levels to solve over four unique worldsPush yourself further with unlockable modifiers, play any level in Mirror or Fast modeCollect evidence and uncover the mysteries of the ArcadeOriginal soundtrack by Calum Bowen a09c17d780 Title: Lovely Planet ArcadeGenre: Action, Adventure, Casual, IndieDeveloper:QUICKTEQUILAPublisher:tinyBuild GamesFranchise:Lovely PlanetRelease Date: 22 Jul, 2016 Free Download Lovely Planet Arcade lovely planet arcade act 4. lovely planet arcade You shotgun your hostile neighbours. Lovely Planet was a game that took me by complete surprise, because it seemed like it was just any old indie game and I mainly bought it for the cute art style. It ended up being one of the hardest FPSs I've played, and over the dozen or so hours it took me to get all the stars in it my shooter skills as a whole improved a lot in terms of accuracy and reaction time. It's the kind of game where even when it's so hard you think you'll never finish a level, you can't drop it because it's so happy and cute and there's just something about how energetic the game is with how fast you move and how high you jump that goes really well with the extremely good soundtrack. Lovely Planet Arcade is the sequel, and it tries things a bit differently. It goes oldschool with the aiming, removing the Y axis so you can only look left and right. The player moves much slower, and can only jump about half a foot into the air, making it useless except for specific parts where you need to jump. The levels are designed to accomodate this, and instead of having any complex platforming or extreme air jumps the levels are generally small flat planes with fences or houses used to break them up. You also have a new gun, a shotgun that fires in a straight line ahead of you, so you're no longer challenged with the task of guessing where your shots would land from the previously angled wand thing from Lovely Planet. Because of all this, the game is a lot less punishing in terms of mouse skill, but also less fun in my opinion. The accuracy star has been removed, and now the only thing that matters for getting 3 stars is your completion time. Most of the challenge now comes from replaying the levels over and over until you learn the placement of the enemies, which now have special qualities like some that teleport you to them and some that freeze time for a moment, making the levels more like puzzles than shooting galleries. And there's nothing wrong with that, it's still a fun game and if the original game didn't exist I'd probably be giving this one a more positive review, but when you make a game as overall great as Lovely Planet it's hard not to compare the sequel to it, and frankly this game is worse in every way I can think of. Which again isn't to say that it's bad, but if you're debating between this or Lovely Planet I'd say go with the first game for sure. If you're returning and just really want some more of this style of game, this isn't a terrible purchase for its price, but just know what you're getting.. More downplayed and puzzle-oriented version of it's predecessor. While the original 'Lovely Planet' has 'Quake' vibes, this game can be compared to 'Doom' instead. Your vertical view is locked and the platforming elements are (almost) absent. And although you probably will still have some fun, i say buy the original instead.. If you played the first Lovely Planet, you'll feel right at home. The dynamic is changed a lot though, this time you're using a shotgun and it's all about choosing which enemies to shoot first. Many enemies activate powerups when shot, including teleporation and time freezing, which leads to some really mind boggling action. Like the first game, you go from thinking something is impossible to doing it just a few minutes later. Seems much easier than the first game to me. I beat it in 3 hours, and there was a single level in the first game that took me 3 hours to figure out... A lot of people are complaining about the lack of crazy jumping and aiming and movement from the first game. Doesn't bother me at all, it feels like a quite different sequel with a whole new set of rules, which is what sequels should be in many cases. Soundtrack is once again on point.. Totally don't understand the negative reviews. Fans of the original Lovely Planet ought to enjoy this game. It plays like doom with no vertical aim, you don't go flying like you did in the original but it still manages to keep the pace fast. The style and music is pretty much the same, basically feels like you're playing Katamari but you're wasting everyone with a shotgun. 8\/10 will be playing a lot of this game.. As a huge fan of the original Lovely Planet, it's with a heavy heart that I have to write a negative review for its succesor. I've played Lovely Planet for 250+ hours, and I held WR runs in many categories, so I feel that I'm obligated to do this.This game is not for speedrunners. That's all there is to it. No chance of sequence breaks, no vertical aim, no glitches to shoot through walls. Honestly, there's nearly no freedom of movement. The ability to choose how to route your levels was what made the original so great. Jumping in this game is next to useless as far as routing goes. The levels railroad you to take the intended route.As a casual game, I'm sure this is jolly good fun, but as someone who was expecting a true sequel, I'm left with a bitter taste in my mouth. I'm sorry, but I just can't enjoy this game.. An old school fps with a chinese look. It's hard, so be prepared.Also have in mind that it is very different to the first game, so it's not a platformer anymore.Overall I must say I enjoyed the first one more.. Lovely Planet Arcade is the formula youve known to love with the series, with a twist. There is no Y-axis making quick movements and peaking around corners just as nessasary as it was in the original Lovely Planet. Levels start out easy and become harder over time. The same enemy types from the last game are not used, but instead a whole new array of baddies must be mastered. The worlds are more flat and have less scenery, but this makes additional room for the puzzle aspects of Lovely Planet. Joyful music is to be expected, but in my opinion, is a slight downgrade to the quality of music found in the first lovely planet. the cons--music is more repetitive, worse quality-no longer has a feeling of joy and freedom-since reloading takes time, you have to think about when you shoot and not just where-there is almost no aspect of speedrunning, since each level can be finished in a easy line from start to finish. no more jumping onto scenery for a quicker time here.If youre new to the Lovely Planet series, start out with the original, then move to Arcade for more challenges.. The original IMO was a masterpiece but i went in to this intending to judge it as it's own game the first 3 acts are fun but far too easy and short then act 4 introduces enemies that give you a grey screen when you kill them until you shoot another enemy and friendlys the shoot at you that can't be parried this doesn't give a fun challenge it just makes the game irritating and imo unplayable very disapointed.. Lovely Planet Arcade is a first person shooter puzzle game, and a sequel to the 2014 title Lovely Planet, which was extremely well received, especially among the speedrunner community. This continuation introduces some drastic changes to gameplay, while still preserving some of the gameplay elements that made the original so enjoyable.The game is separated into four worlds, and about 110 levels in total, each of which take 5 to 20 seconds to complete. The twist however, which has also made its predecessor so unique, is that in order to complete them, you must defeat the levels' enemies and obstacles perfectly. You have to shoot every 'baddie', with some of them trying to do the same to you, take out every distinctly apple-looking bomb before they hit the ground, and collect every coin, which are a new element in this installation. If you fail any of these criteria, you'll have to restart the level, which is instantly done any time you press the -rebindable- R button.The main gameplay change from the first Lovely Planet is instantly noticable upon starting your first level: the shooting is done without a Y axis, meaning you can only shoot objects at the same elevation as you, reminescent of older FPS titles, such as DOOM. This removes some of the dynamism of the previous game. Instead of the previous projectile based pistol, there's now a hit scanning shotgun, which will make shooting targets much easier. You'll also recognize that movement is very different as well: you slowly make your way ahead, instead of the bunnyhopping, trampoline-jumping action of Lovely Planet. These changes could easily be seen as detrimental to the now iconic gameplay of the original game, however you'll later realise that Arcade's gameplay is in fact completely different from that.While in the original you had freedom to explore new paths, and exploit crazy shortcuts for a quicker finish time, this element is completely absent from the sequel. A large factor in this is the previously mentioned slower movement, but also a level design that almost always forces you to a single path. Trying to be creative with how you complete a level will sometimes result in a slower finish time, and usually a quick failure message. This means that each level has a single 'good' solution, that was previously designed by the developer, and your job is to find out what this solution is, and then execute it as perfectly as you can. This lack of freedom may put you off, and that is completely understandable.Many elements of gameplay are introduced as you're playing through each world, that make each level more and more complex. They succeed in keeping the experience fresh, however as the solutions become more convoluted, they may also cause headaches when a handful of times you can't figure out what the designer's intentions were with a certain object. Some of these elements are enemies that give you bullet-time when shot, allowing you to take out falling bombs, or other enemies, that would instantly shoot you otherwise, enemies whose place you'll be teleported to after shooting them, fog over levels, reducing visibility, and even invisible enemies in some cases. As you may already guess from these descriptions, you won't have much success barging into an area, and starting mindlessly shooting your foes, at least past the first few levels. Instead, you'll have to plan a route through each level, and an order in which to take down baddies and bombs, while taking into account teleportation and other elements that a certain level offers. In this, it's similar to games like Hotline Miami, and also the original Lovely Planet, however you'll have to plan much more precisely in Arcade than in these two titles.There are also 13 collectible secrets in the game, finding them are a welcome change of pace compared to the twitchy combat of the main gameplay. The music by Calum Bowen is excellent, although I prefer the original's soundtrack. All of this makes Lovely Planet Arcade a very enjoyable game, however different it may be from Lovely Planet, although it's not without its problems: firstly, some of the levels are quite convoluted, you may spend a couple of minutes on a level just trying to figure out what you are meant to do, while others are much more simple to understand. Secondly, one of the later introduced gameplay elements are invisible enemies, and enemies that completely darken the screen when shot, until you shoot another enemy, or pick up a coin. You can overcome both of these obstacles by learning the levels, however they are extremely annoying the first few times you encounter them. Invisible enemies were also present in the first game, and they are just as annoying and cheap as then, as it's purely trial and error until you remember exactly where to shoot. Screen-darkening enemies are actually not as bad as they sound, since the levels are designed in a way that you can easily brighten the screen after shooting them, but it will take a couple of plays per level to figure out the ways to do so.One of my biggest complaints however, is that the two alternative game modes to 'Normal', are simply mirrored maps, and a fast mode. They are an extremely artificial way to expand the game's content, and what's even more infuriating is that they are presented as new game modes (modifiers), and you are even required to beat them for some achievements. It was a very lazy move to include them, since flipped levels and 1.2x speed adds nothing to the experience.The only ommissions from the game compared to the original, that are not tied to gameplay, are an exciting menu screen, which the original had, while this time we are left with a pretty bland one, and online leaderboards. While as mentioned above there certainly isn't as much room for finding faster paths as in the previous game, I'd have loved to see how I did compared to others, it was really an unfortunate decision to leave them out.All in all, I welcome the changes to the gameplay, and actually applaud QUICKTEQUILA for trying something different, however keep in mind that Arcade is not iterating on the main gameplay of the original Lovely Planet. A couple of design choices are a bit weird, and may leave a bad taste in some players' mouths, but considering the low price point, I'd recommend this game to anyone, especially on a sale.


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