About This Game Sea of Stars continues the Infinite Space series of games that defined the genre of short-form space roguelikes in Strange Adventures in Infinite Space (2001) and Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space (2005). It compresses a galaxy-spanning starship adventure into the space of a single sitting, but as the game world is randomly generated each time you play, you will keep coming back for more. There is enough variety in items, aliens and special encounters that you will always discover something new - no two sessions play the same. Sea of Stars begins in the Glory star system, in an area of space known as the Purple Void for its colorful nebular clouds. The long-isolated Terran colony of Hope has discovered the secret of faster-than-light travel, and an age of interstellar adventure has begun. Choose your starship and blast off into the Infinite Space in search of fame and fortune! Travel from star to star, explore planets and discover strange lifeforms and artifacts left behind by ancient empires. Find technology to upgrade your ship and gain allies to grow your flotilla. Encounter bizarre and delightful alien races, trade with them or blow them up - the decision is yours. And sometimes, you will face an existential threat to all life in the sector, and get to save the world. 6d5b4406ea Title: Infinite Space III: Sea of StarsGenre: Adventure, IndieDeveloper:Digital EelPublisher:Digital EelRelease Date: 29 Oct, 2015 Infinite Space III: Sea Of Stars Crack Graphics Fix infinite space iii sea of stars. infinite space iii sea of stars download I struggled with whether to give this a positive or negative review. I decided on positive because if you just take it on its own merits, and buy it during a Summer Sale or something, I think you will have plenty of fun for your money so long as you don't this to be a mainline 4X space game. However, my guess is that many, like me, who play this game will have played Weird Worlds, its predecessor first. When compared to WW I'd say WW was overall better, especially if you downloaded some of the great mods made for it. When I think about playing this game, I often just go back to WW instead. My comments below, then, compare this to WW.- As others have mentioned, the transition to a 3D star map adds nothing to the game. In fact, I think it is just more confusing.- The new interface for adding upgrades to your ships is fine, but I liked WW better since it was more intutive that if I was putting a gun on the port side of the ship it would have a firing arc from the port side of the ship. With the new UI for this I have to compare where I'm placing the gun in the UI with the picture of the ship to see which gun is changing.- I do like the new mechanic for fighters since in WW getting a fighter generally means hiding it behind your capital ships to keep it from dying quickly and hoping maybe it will help out should an enemy fighter get past the point defense of your capital ships.- I like how you move your ships in combat versus WW since this game allows you to easily set a path. However, having to individually bring each of your ships into the combat can be cumbersome. I'd at least like to still have the option of bring them all in at the same time in a set formation like in WW.- I guess all the effort went into creating the new 3D environment because as others have noted much of the content is exactly the same as in WW.- I actually like the WW art style better. Again, I would have preferred that time have been devoted to new content versus new art.- I definitely like the better capability comparison in this game between different upgrades. In WW it was often difficult to determine what gun was better than another, for instance. This game makes the trade-offs between damage, range, DPM, etc. much more clear.- Both games have a variety of well-animated weapons that show some attention to detail and make combat, while still simple, pretty fun.So, again, not a bad game and I think most people who want a relatively simple game will have fun. However, I think WW along with the mods for it available for free on the Digital Eel website (including a Babylon 5 total conversion, yay!) is on net the better game. I hope Digital Eel makes another game and takes feedback like this to bring the best of this game and WW together. I would start with WW, add some of the features I mention above as definite improvements, and then just add a bunch of new content. Part of the fun is replaying the game over and over and seeing which of the random events and items you happen to get in that play through, so just adding a lot more of those random possibilities would be fun (again, not to beat a dead horse, but that's basically what the mods do). I love sci-fi but find that the bigger 4x games with their complicated enonomies just don't interest me. A game that focuses on basic exploring to find cool stuff, combat, random events, and humor is just my speed.. While the game is not a masterpiece, it does prive you one or two hours of fun and you'll have to use some strategy to beat it.. If you've come to this game looking for your usual space 4x then look elsewhere! This is a rogue-like space trader game rather than a 4x! I only say this first as I too was expecting more of a 4x-type at first!Infinite Space 3 also differs from many other space trader types by swapping the "months, even years long" careers typical of traders for small rogue-like random games that will last a few hours. Everything happens quickly here, there is NO grind whatsoever. In short, this game swaps long-term cerebal gameplay for short-term fun gameplay. I think this is a reason for quite a few negative reviews - the game is not what many people are expecting it to be!The plot seems to be explore the game's galaxy to find stuff! You will jump from star to star, which all have one planet each, and each of those planets reveal random treasures, alien lifeforms, ship components that you can use, equip or sell as you see fit. You many also find new wingmen to join you in your journeys. You start off at a "human homeworld", being sponsored by some dodgy crimelord to "explore the galaxy, grab whatever you can, and make *me* a fortune". Though there is also at least one other plot going on, one game I played ended when some mysterious, powerful alien race appeared and destroyed this "human homeworld" whilst I was busy elsewhere! Bet that taught Mr Dodgy Crimelord a thing or two! I'm sure there will be a few plots running side-by-side in each game - I've not many hours into the game as I write this, I'm sure I will discover more.There are alien homeworlds too, most are indifferent or downright hostile to start with. Some can be cajooled into being friendly if you find the right things\/wingmen as you explore other worlds. Once friendly you can trade with them too..... but other races credits won't mean zip to them, you will have separate credit accounts with each friendly race! Others, forget it, they will simply *never* be friends!!!!!So far, it seems a high difficulty level game too..... but as I mentioned earlier, I'm only just starting out here!Good fun up till now!. Simple game, but engaging and keeps you playing. Even when the game kills you withing 10 minutes.. Sea of Stars at it's heart is one of the most elegent time wasters you will ever play. Embark on a galactic adventure for exploration and profit spiced up with deadly combat, and do it all in twenty minuites or less. Sometimes that less is your first encounter the game will neatly explode your ship even on the easy setting. Long before the terms "Rougelike " and "Sandbox" this game was all those in it's past two lives. For new players it offers a pretty rich well thought out world to knock around in. For long time players it has almost all your goodies waiting to be found [except for a few of the rather broken ones, cough, altheric mirror, cough] plus some new goodies. You can still build a floatilla to help you with the dangers of infinite space, but there are some major upgrades here. Fighters cant be destroyed in combat. well they can but you get to rebuid them after combat, so now you can actully use them instead of hoarding them. Second you can upgrade your ships! Want a terran Battleship? Turn in your ill gotten gain to buy the beefest of hulls. This goes for your floatilla ships also , just find thier homeworlds and they upgrage to for a cost. The combat simulator gives you a chance to try out all ships and weapons found in the game to see just what you like. I have no doubt that if you have played the eariler versions of the game your gonna love it, plus it is still in early access so just how much more goodies are gonna get put in.About early access.Right now the game runs and functions well, I have had the rare crash, but other then that all aspects plugged into the game work well. Gripes.Few and mostly tiny. I miss the missings items like the cloak of Babalon and the Altheric Mirror, but these items were unbalanced at best. I miss having to return to Glory [home planet] to complete mission just being able to retire anywhere seems a little cheesey. I really miss the end game statements that assingned my captain a postion and carrear in life based on my score type. I hope that does get put back in for the full version. So got time to waste and wish to be endlessly entertained? This is the game that will lurk on your hard-drive for years supplying that need. should you get it. Oh hell yes!. Sea of Stars is the absolute apogee of the series. Having been a satisfied customer since the Early Access phase, I have played it so often, and enjoyed it so much, that I will heartily recommend it to anyone looking for a great indie title. Everything - from the 3D map and graphics, to the extra content (which makes up for that which was removed) lifts it well above its illustrious predecessor, which is saying something considering I also loved Weird Worlds. Don't miss out on your chance to explore the galaxy... in 15 minutes or less!. I highly recommend the nice little quick game.
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